St James Wrap Around Care Group is a warm and welcoming environment that provides care and education for children from 2 to 11 years of age. We are situated in the heart of the KS1 area at Leyland St James' Church of England Primary School.
The nursery and out of school clubs are overseen by a management board of trustees. Mrs Taylor-Bell is the designated person on the board of trustees, and the Head Teacher at St James' Church of England County Primary School.
The nursery is led by Debbie Gillibrand, who is trained to BA (Hons) Level. Furthermore, Debbie is an Early Years Professional and a nominated Lead Practitioner for the Lancashire County Council Early Years Foundation Stage Consultancy team, which means that we host visits from other nursery providers who learn from us about the highest standards of practice.
Accredited by the Lancashire Quality Assurance Scheme, we have an ongoing commitment to excellence and are constantly seeking to raise the quality of our provision. The setting manager is supported by a deputy manager and by a team of practitioners. We are managed by a board of five directors who support and help to implement the development of the nursery.